Cubiic SLA’s
Application Uptime:
“Downtime” is the total accumulated minutes per month, during which loading and logging in to Cubiic’s web interface is unavailable. A minute is considered unavailable when there is no connectivity between the wider internet and Cubiic’s servers.
Issue Resolution and Response:
Severity 1 (S1) – A complete “logistics down” situation or single critical system down with high business and/or financial impact. Eg. Consignments cannot be created, freight cannot be dispatched.
Severity 2 (S2) – A major component of the customers’ ability to operate is affected. Some aspects of the business can continue but its a major problem. Eg. Labels not printing, tracking events not updating
Severity 3 (S3) – The customers’ core business is unaffected but the issue is affecting efficient operation by one or more people. Eg. Labels printing out of order, searching for consignments taking longer than expected
Severity 4 (S4) – The issue is an inconvenience or annoying but there are clear workarounds or alternates. Eg. Needing to refresh the page to retrieve latest tracking update on a consignment
Severity 5 (S5) – The issue is a background or planned task and will be addressed when time permits or on the planned date. Eg. Feature requests
Who determines the priority level of the issue?
How do we Determine the Priority Level?
Issue Resolution and Response SLA’s:
Cubiic Support utilise the following matrix to arrive at a PRIORITY level for determining response SLA’s:
Severity | Standard SLA |
Severity 1 | 2 hours to respond |
Severity 2 | 8 hours to respond |
Severity 3 | 16 hours to respond |
Severity 4 | 10 days to respond |
Severity 5 | Automated ticket response, no SLA |